
Barbie Bitches.

All these little girls are running around with insecurities from body images to identity issues. Nicki Minaj has these little girls calling themselves barbies. Just making sure you realize barbies are plastic = fake. So how can you be real when your parading around the town with fake hair, fake nails, & fake eyelashes. You carry fake designer bags, wear fake designer shoes and clothes, fake Chanel earrings to go along with your fake attitude & fake ass smile. Being real is a fable, something people strive for but fail to wear the crown. It seems so unreal these days. People are so consumed with "trying" to be something they're not, that they lose themselves in the process. I'm not going to lie, I can be fake as hell. I don't like 85% of the people that I converse with, so yes i can be fake. (i'm antisocial) but i'm real enought to admit it.


khaki la'docker said...

I swear i had this same thought in my drafts. Women trip me out wanting to be barbies- shaped like ninja turtles with a face like GI. Joe. Damn Nicki Minaj.

Kingsmomma said...

Gilr you said it. I am so damn tired of this resurging barbie Trend. It's an effing doll, plastic like you said. For a grown ass woman to call name themselves after such a character is Hilarious....and are we really taking cues from Nicki Minaj? wow that says alot.

Amber Steez said...

khaki .. ahhhha not ninja turtles(dying laughing)

kingsmomma..yes its sad. now if ur in highschool thinking its cute, ok half them broads have the minds of silly putty but if ur in college, can legally get in clubs, have kids (you should be ashamed)

killuh™ said...

i don't think wearing fake nails; or rockin fake hair necessarily means you are a fake person. being REAL is being true to yourself; and true to others. as long as you don't walk around frontin like you were blessed with that long indian hair & acrylic nails there's nothing wrong with sporting them.

as for nikki minaj; she's irrelevant, and if anything she DESERVES to call herself "BARBIE" cause she has fake boobs and a fake ass, so she's kind of a good example.

idk; maybe that's just my opinion. i have fake nails, and i dye my hair every 3-4weeks...but i believe i'm the realest bitch i know..

Amber Steez said...

nope your fake.

lol j/k dont get me wrong i've rocked weave, lashes but i think when ppl do so its selfesteem problems. i actually have long hair but wanted it "longer" thats what we identify pretty as being. i wear lashes cuz i think it brings out my eyes etc. nothing wrong with it. i'm saying u rock all those things saying your a real bitch but your real self is hidden behind fake things. that nakes u just as fake as a barbie.

and u just spazzed on nicki, i like her but if u get on fb every bitches fb name is minaj, barbie or lewinsky. (thats what im saying)