
Standards vs reality

Is love truly blind? so tainted that you cant see it when its in front of you? I wonder if I'm passing up potentials because I'm waiting on this perfect guy to knock me off my feet? Am i lying to myself? is it wrong to have standards so high that i know 98% of the guys I'm in contact with will never meet? am i setting myself up for failure and a life of loneliness and what ifs? i was told (by a guy who likes me) I'm cold and i keep pushing him away. don't get me wrong. i like his company but i cant see myself being in a relationship with him. he really tries and does all the right things but he's just not good enough to be in a committed relationship with. Hell commitment scares the crap out of me. he asked am i running from happiness ( i got smart & sarcastic) but the truth is yes. being completely happy scares me, I'm so used to BS that its all i expect. watching sex in the city, the game,gossip girl, desperate housewives & whatever else i choose to kill my brain cells with DOES NOT HELP. its like everywhere i turn its love. pda, love songs... its everywhere and its no escaping it. I'm second guessing my choices, and i hate when this happens. in order to find true happiness does it mean i need to love?


reen said...

i think your so right
i used to thinkt he same and stay away from guys and their crap. then i thought i was pushin hapiness away. then i hooked up with this guy who told me that he's easily distracted and aint too sincere. now am trapped int he same cycle of self doubts and crazy suspicions.
this brings me back to square one
we end up being more dissatisifed if we hush our concerns and just hook up with guys who fail to meet our standards or agree with our values :s
worse still. i feel so freakin used so there's all the desperate anger and frustration to deal with!

Amber Steez said...

see and i really dont want to feel like that.

Ashley Ashley said...

I think its always going to be that doubt. Are u passing up ur future husband bc he's not perfect right now. Call me immature but I aint tryna find out. I know no one is perfect and we're all still growing up or whatever but what if I'm right and he wasn't the "one" so I'm back to start still thinking I don't need to lower my standards and give him a chance.

Amber Steez said...

exactly. i dont even think i'm looking at guys as being marriage material b/c i still think i'm so young & have so many ppl to come across but when i see friends getting engaged, married & having babies i sometimes think dang im so far behind, so immature.
my intuition tells me my "he" isnt in this state. guess i was on of those kids that disney brainwashed i know my knight in shiny armour is out there ready to scoop me up.

Don said...

i'd have to say, YES, love is blind. true love is blind, that is. don't be scared of commitment ... and definitely don't be afraid of love.

ish, look @ the alternative to love...